At the moment, the United States is in the middle of an unprecedented set of circumstances. Thanks to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, millions of United States citizens are facing hazards never before experienced. As of late April, more than 50,000 United States residents have passed away due to complications from COVID-19. As scary as those numbers are, in many ways, life marches on. We still need to get groceries. We still need to earn a living. We still need to interact with our communities. Fortunately, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed several strategies... View Article
Not sure why grass—or anything else—seems impossible to grow on your property? It might have to do with the acidity of the soil. If you don’t know the pH of the soil on your land, you might be using the wrong fertilizer or lawn care products, making it impossible for grass and other plants to thrive. Consider testing your soil acidity in Hudson, CO—it’s the only way to know for sure what’s causing problems for your lawn. Why test your soil? Testing your soil allows you to find out its exact makeup. Soil testing can determine the appropriate fertilizer for... View Article
If you’re building or moving into a home that doesn’t have access to municipal sewer lines, you’ll need a septic tank to handle your home’s wastewater. Septic systems are an environmentally-friendly way to handle waste, but they require a certain amount of planning and maintenance. Here’s an overview of what to consider when you’re engaged in septic planning in Hudson, CO. Planning for a septic tank Before you install your septic tank, you’ll need to test the soil with a percolation test (also known as a perc test) to see whether the ground is suitable for installing a septic tank... View Article
You have plenty of options if you need to build a structure to store equipment, vehicles or animals. One of your best bets is a pole barn—a large structure with a wide opening, large interior space, high ceiling and no foundation. This post will teach you all about a number of pole barn benefits in Hudson, CO: Affordability: One of the most expensive aspects of a construction project is often the concrete foundation, which can cost around $18 per square foot. Instead of having a foundation, pole barns are kept in place by concrete footers at the base of the... View Article
The ground beneath our feet is much more than just simple dirt—it’s packed full of nutrients and toxins that can either negatively or positively impact crops and vegetation. Since soil varies from property to property, it’s a good idea to have it tested. As the name suggests, soil testing involves taking a few samples of earth from a plot of land and analyzing it. Though home soil test kits are available at hardware stores, hiring a pro yields in-depth results that you can’t get on your own. Continue reading to learn what we’re looking for during soil testing in Hudson,... View Article