Blog - Part 21

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Cold Weather Concrete Pours: Preparation and Proper Curing Procedures

November 16, 2020

Pouring concrete is particularly difficult in cold weather, but it’s not impossible. The key is to prevent the concrete from freezing before it cures. In cold temperatures, the water content in the concrete will freeze and damage its structural integrity. You can pour concrete at temperatures as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit, but once the temperature starts dropping below 20 degrees, it’s best to wait until the weather warms back up. Temperatures of 20 degrees and below are too cold to keep the concrete warm enough to cure properly, even with insulation and other techniques. Here’s what you need to... View Article

Why Caissons Are Necessary Instead of Continuous Footings

November 2, 2020

Your house’s foundation provides support, a moisture barrier and stability to your home in Hudson, CO. Depending on your home’s type and location, however, the type of foundation and footing you need may vary. As you might imagine, the foundation you’d use for a multi-unit apartment building in downtown Denver would be very different than you’d use for a single-family home built on the side of a hill. Here’s an overview of foundation types and when you might need to use caissons instead of continuous footings. The two broad types of foundations Foundations can be broadly categorized into two different... View Article

Five Amazing Ways Engineers Have Solved Common Problems

October 13, 2020

Engineering covers a number of different disciplines. Engineers work with everything from wrist watches to suspension bridges, and their contributions might go largely unnoticed in many instances. However, their work is all around us—if you’ve ever heard of a problem with a bridge or a building being solved, then chances are an engineer had something to do with the solution. However, our contributions don’t end there—we also solve problems that can be simple everyday annoyances or inconveniences. Engineers’ services in Hudson, CO aren’t just about putting up tall buildings—they’re about making daily life simpler and more accessible for everyone: Squeezing... View Article

What Do Engineering Services Encompass?

September 29, 2020

A lot of professions out there are misunderstood or not understood at all, and engineering is one of them. There are so many different types of engineering that people can do for a living that it can be hard for the layperson to keep them all straight. That said, the types of engineering services performed by our team at High Plains Engineering & Design, LLC are some that are relatively easy for people to wrap their heads around. When people ask us what engineering services we offer in Hudson, CO, we usually have some quick tips ready to help them... View Article

Eight Benefits of Project Management

September 10, 2020

There are many complexities and nuances involved with any type of construction project. While a construction manager remains onsite, a construction project manager plays a much different role, but an equally important one. Investing in professional construction project management in Hudson, CO has many benefits you shouldn’t ignore. The value of project management for your construction project You’re already trying to minimize costs with your construction project. The additional expense of construction management services in Hudson, CO might seem like overkill. However, the benefits of hiring an experienced construction project manager absolutely justify the added cost: Protect your best interests:... View Article



High Plains Engineering & Consulting LLC
555 Main Street
Hudson, CO 80642

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 248
Hudson, CO 80642
(303) 857-9280

Business Hours

Monday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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