Blog - Part 17

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What R-Value Insulation Do I Need?

October 14, 2021

The R-value of insulation measures its ability to resist heat flow. Higher R-value for insulation means a better ability to insulate the home and resist heat transfer into or out of the home. The entire purpose of insulating the home is to make sure you can keep your warm air inside during the winter months and outside during the summer. R-value measurements give you a number to better quantify that ability when comparing potential insulation types. Depending on where in the United States you live, your recommended R-values will vary. In most cases, the Department of Energy will recommend exterior... View Article

What is the Difference Between Dampproofing and Waterproofing?

September 30, 2021

You’re likely familiar with the process of waterproofing a foundation wall. But what is dampproofing? The process of dampproofing foundational walls involves using a tar- or asphalt-based mixture on the outside of the wall to prevent moisture from getting through the concrete walls, into the interior of your basement or crawl space. Most homes built today use a damp-proof coating that was designed and implemented to meet your local building code requirements during the construction process. However, after several years, these coatings will begin to fail. Unfortunately, it is difficult (and expensive) to install such a coating years after the... View Article

Why Reinforcing Open Web Steel Joists Can Be Difficult

September 6, 2021

Open web steel joists have been the preferred framing system for large buildings for over a century. The design—composed of steel top and bottom chords with angular webs in between—provided superior structural support as buildings grew larger and larger. These web trusses are designed and installed to last for decades without fail. However, there may be a day when the joists in your building need to be replaced. This is no simple undertaking! Keep reading to learn about a few of the difficulties your chosen engineering team will face. Scale of project The first reason reinforcing joists is difficult is... View Article

Answers to Your Questions About Pressure Treating Wood

August 23, 2021

You’re likely to see signs advertising pressure treated wood the next time you walk through your local hardware store or a lumber yard. But what exactly does “pressure treated wood” mean, and how do they pressure treat wood? Keep reading to find out these answers and more. How is wood pressure treated? Professionals pressure treat lumber by immersing it in a liquid preservative and then placing it in a vacuum-sealed pressure chamber. The chamber forces the chemicals into the wood fibers and ensures they make it to the core of the piece. Before the lumber is soaked, it’s incised to... View Article

Braced Frames vs. Portal Frames

August 10, 2021

When constructing a safe building, you’ll need to choose the right type of frames. Depending on what your structural and seismic needs may be, you could use braced frames or portal frames. As always, you should ask your engineer or architect which type is better for your specific project. Here’s an overview of braced frames and portal frames so you’ll better understand what these terms mean when your team explains their methodology. What are braced frames? Braced frame construction is also referred to as beam and column construction. You’ve undoubtedly seen this before—it’s an extremely common form of construction that... View Article



High Plains Engineering & Consulting LLC
555 Main Street
Hudson, CO 80642

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P.O. Box 248
Hudson, CO 80642
(303) 857-9280

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